Learn to Smile From the Inside Out

Private Yoga Teacher Miami FL

My daughter suggested I see the movie “Inside Out”.  It is about a little girl who experiences extreme sadness and is unable to cope with her family’s move to a new city.  I highly suggest you download and watch this movie.  There are 5 intense emotions or aspects of her personality that governed her well being. Each emotion was portrayed as an animated character; Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust.  With her family’s move Sadness became overwhelmed.  Joy tried to suppress Sadness, but this proved to backfire. The premise of the movie is that we need to allow our emotions to feel and move through us to heal and become whole.  If we suppress we become disengaged. The role of Sadness as an emotion is important as it makes you become aware there is loss, which needs to be felt and experienced.

We are spiritual beings in a physical body.  Our spirit needs to move through all emotions to be whole and alive.

Life is to live. All of our emotions need to co-exist together to be healthy. 

For me, yoga is an expression of my own unique self, with all of my feelings and emotions.  As I move though my practice and inhabit my body, I experience who I am and what I am feeling at that particular moment.

Learn to accept your feelings and allow them to move through you so that they can eventually be released and you can move on.

Learn to smile from the inside out, your personality’s wholeness will shine, as well as your spirit.

Allowing ourselves to be in the moment, non-aggressively doing what is wanted and needed is spiritual practice. - Yoga From the Inside Out, Christina Frosolono Sell